PHOTOS: Boracay Island After 57 Days Rehabilitation
Spectacular aerial view of Boracay Island after 57 days of total clean up and rehabilitation.
The closure of Boracay Island was set for six months starting April 26, 2018, as part of the Philippine government’s efforts at the island’s environmental rehabilitation.
Boracay Island is the Philippines’ most popular tourist island. It’s located is in the central Philippines. It’s known for its resorts and beaches. Along the west coast, White Beach is backed by palm trees, bars, and restaurants.
Drone pilot: DA RAFID VI team under Director Remelyn Recoter
More photos of Boracay Island posted by Mr. Manny Piñol.
Here’s the full text of the post by Mr. Manny Piñol.
Here’s how it looks after 57 days!
The government’s Inter-Agency Task Force working under the clear directives of a strong-willed President, has achieved in just 57 days dramatic accomplishments in the clean-up of Boracay Island, one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations.
Boracay Island was closed to tourists on April 26, 2018 on orders of President Rody Duterte who said that the popular vacation destination which draws tourists around the world because of its blue waters and white sand beach has degenerated into a cesspool because of neglect and extreme commercialism.
The President’s order to close down Boracay Island for six months for a total clean up and rehabilitation was met with protests and criticisms from opposition figures who said that closing the island to tourists was an unwise move because it would deprive people of income opportunities and livelihood and thousands would lose jobs.
Others said that the clean-up timetable of 6 months was unrealistic and that the government will never be able to rehabilitate Boracay Island.
In spite of the criticisms and opposition, President Duterte ordered the closure of Boracay on April 26 and the organization of an Inter-Agency Task Force led by the Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Roy Cimatu to lead the clean-up and rehabilitation, along with the Dept of Interior and Local Government and Dept of Tourism.
Other agencies included the Dept of Public Works and Highways, Dept of Social Welfare and Development, Dept of Agriculture, Dept of Agrarian Reform, Dept of Labor and Emloyment, Dept of Health, Dept of Science and Technology, the local government units of Malay town and Aklan and several other support agencies.
The Task Force was given six months to complete the clean-up and rehabilitation.
During the 26th Meeting of the Cabinet this month, Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat asked whether the Oct. 26 scheduled opening of the island would push through.
President Duterte referred her question to Secretary Cimatu, head of the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Rehabilitation of Boracay Island, who assured the Cabinet that the island will reopen on Oct. 26 and tourists could start flying in Oct. 27.
Drone photos and ground shots taken today by a team of the Regional Agriculture and Fisheries Information Division (RAFID) of the Department of Agriculture Regional Office VI showed that indeed change has come to Boracay Island after only 57 days of hard work by the government agencies involved.
With four more months to go before the scheduled reopening, there is no doubt that Boracay Island will regain its old beauty, thanks to a President who exercised political will and faced all odds.
Congratulations to all members of the Inter-Agency Task Force and most of all thank you to our iron-willed President Rody Duterte.
#DuterteDelivers!(Drone shots and ground still photos were taken today by DA RAFID VI team under Director Remelyn Recoter. The last two photos were taken by another Dept. of Agriculture team on June 6, 2018)