KJC King Dome in Davao City 2021 Progress Update

Watch the latest 2021 progress update of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KJC) King Dome in Davao City.

The KJC King Dome is a multi-purpose indoor arena that broke ground on September 3, 2012, and is currently under construction in Davao City.

The King Dome will be part of a mixed-use development costing around P7.981 billion. The complex will house a condominium, a hotel, a museum, a hangar, a water park, a commercial center, and an administration complex

The King Dome is itself is estimated to cost P6.025 billion with a capacity of 70,000, making it the largest indoor arena in the world.

The King Dome is expected to be opened in 2022.

Video courtesy of SMNI News SouthLuzon